Katheryn Cochrane, RMT, ART certified joins our team!

Welcoming Katheryn to body+mind!
Katheryn is originally from Newfoundland and Labrador where she studied at Memorial University before moving to Ottawa to earn her Advanced Diploma in Massage Therapy at Algonquin College.

Katheryn's passion for sport and positive experience with massage therapy has driven her intense interest in the human body and inspired her career as a Registered Massage Therapist and Active Release Techniques (ART) provider.

Katheryn is an experienced triathlete and marathon runner, having run the Boston Marathon for her first time in 2015. With this experience, Katheryn is passionate about helping others avoid and overcome injury.

Katheryn's philosophy of care states that everyone is met and treated with respect, compassion and honesty, without judgement, ensuring each individual's best interest and well being are first priority.